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احتفل محرك البحث الاشهر “غوغل”، اليوم الاربعاء ، بالذكرى الـ 80 لاستقلال لبنان. وغيّر المحرك واجهته لتشمل كلمة “غوغل” مزينةً بالعلم اللبناني، خلف سماء زرقاء مفتوحة.
وقد وضع “غوغل” علم لبنان في صفحته المُخصّصة للبحث، وعند النقر عليه ينقل المتصفح إلى أهم الروابط المتعلقة بذكرى الاستقلال وتاريخ البلاد.
Today’s Doodle celebrates 80 years of Lebanon’s autonomy! On this day in 1943, Lebanon gained its independence from France occupying forces.
Several countries recognized Lebanon as an independent state in 1941, but it wasn’t until 1943 that elected Lebanese leaders amended the Constitution to completely end the French Mandate. This led to the arrests of Lebanese officials at Rashaya Castle which unified the nation against the French. Global pressure and widespread protests eventually led to their release on November 22nd.
The castle, also known as the Citadel of Independence, is highly frequented on Independence Day. People visit the national monument to commemorate the hardships endured on the path to freedom. Other activities include attending parades, speeches, and enjoying traditional dishes such as tabbouleh and kebbeh with family and friends. In schools, children make crafts like cardboard crowns adorned with cedar trees, like the one depicted on the flag in today’s Doodle.
Happy Independence Day, Lebanon!